On Change and the Path Ahead

Volume 16 | Issue 1 | January-March 2021 | Page 1 | Abhijeet L. Wahegaonkar

Authers: Abhijeet L. Wahegaonkar [1, 2]

[1] Editor of Journal of Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
[2] Director of Hand Surgery Fellowship Program, The Hand Surgery and Rehabilitation Clinics, Pune.

Address of Correspondence
Dr. Abhijeet L. Wahegaonkar,
Dept. of Upper Limb, Hand and Microvascular Reconstructive Surgery, Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Surgery,
Jehangir Hospital, Sahyadri Hospitals, Sancheti Hospital Pune.
E-mail: abhiwahe@gmail.com

On Change and the Path Ahead

Dear MOA Members,

Greetings from the Editor’s desk!

Change is the only constant, and it is with a great sense of humility and responsibility that I am writing this editorial. This charge was given to me during the EC meeting of the MOA in January. I am very fortunate to have Dr. Dheeraj Sonawane as Co-Editor, who is an academic spine surgeon. We share the same passion for academics and our endeavour is to steer the Journal to greater heights. Incidentally, he is also the Guest Editor of this special issue on “Spine” and I think he has done a fantastic job in putting together some great articles from some of the best spine surgeons in the country.

It is a daunting task to serve as the Editor of a Journal, however, I am certain that with the support of the stalwarts who have contributed to the Journal in every which way, we will be able to negotiate the path ahead effortlessly.

Dr. Ashok Shyam needs no introduction. He has been the pillar of strength and continues to do so. Dr. Shyam has done a commendable job in getting our Journal indexed in Google Scholar and Index Copernicus. He has been instrumental in his role of Editor  procuring articles and publishing them right from the inception of the Journal in 2014 up until now. I am very much aware that I have very large shoes to fill, but with Dr. Ashok Shyam as our Advisor, this should be a cinch!

We are in the process of forming a new editorial board with section editors and reviewers. I earnestly request you to consider submitting your work to the JTO.

There are exciting times ahead and I hope that when I  look back at my tenure as the Editor of the JTO, I will do so with a sense of satisfaction and pride.

As I take charge as Editor of our esteemed JTO, I can summarize my task by paraphrasing Robert Frost from his iconic poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”

“The woods are lovely, dark and deep,   

But I have promises to keep,   

And miles to go before I sleep,   

And miles to go before I sleep.”


Dr. Abhijeet L. Wahegaonkar
Editor – Journal of Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery

How to Cite this article: Wahegaonkar A.L. On Change and the Path Ahead. Journal of Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery Jan-March 2021;16(1):1.

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