Volume 13 | Issue 4 | Oct-Dec 2018 | Page 2-3 | Nitin Deshpande
Authers: Nitin Deshpande [1] .
[1] Deshpande Orthopaedic Hospital, 1731/15 B, New Mahdwar Road, Mahadwar Road, Kolhapur – 416012.
Address of Correspondence
Dr Nitin Deshpande
Deshpande Orthopaedic Hospital, 1731/15 B, New Mahdwar Road, Mahadwar Road, Kolhapur – 416012
Email: dohkpr@yahoo.com
MOA Day Celebrations 2019
Dear Colleagues,
Greetings from MOA office…
By the time you get this issue of journal, we will be ready to celebrate MOA DAY
The concept for this year is based on two themes
1- Sensitizing / Educating the Bystanders about Pre Hospital Trauma Care.
2- Making conscious efforts , locally ,to improve relations between Police, Judiciary and doctors…
Slogan for this year MOA campaign “Sensitizing / Educating the Bystanders about Pre Hospital Trauma Care” – रस्त्यावरील अपघातात – द्या माणुसकीचा हात.
The idea behind taking this subject is to establishing an efficient TRAUMA CARE SYSTEM in the state of Maharashtra as a model that can be later followed all over India. As you know that Trauma is the leading cause of Mortality and Morbidity (permanent disability) in the age group of 24 to 45 years – the age group that contributes most to the GDP of the nation and the age group on which other family members depend upon for most of their needs.
Trauma care involves a chain of survival events including
1. Pre Hospital care Phase – On site care , transport to fixed care facility which may include primary , secondary or tertiary care facility, care while transporting, communication with receiving facility
2. In Hospital Care phase– Primary stabilization including various diagnostic, therapeutic , monitoring interventions, decision to definitively treat the patient in the hospital or transfer to other care facility, definitive care if possible
3. Inter Hospital transfer care phase – Continued care while transporting, communication with receiving facility
4. Definitive care phase – including various diagnostic, monitoring, therapeutic intervention till discharge, may include readmissions for care and home care post discharge
A good outcome following trauma depends upon achieving and maintaining good quality of all the above aspects of care integrating with each other smoothly – that is achieving and maintaining a good quality Trauma Care System that is easily accessible to all the population.
It’s a complex process requiring Political will, co ordination between various agencies including home (police) , health , transport , fire and safety, Industry departments and ministries – to site a few of them.
As of now there is a lot of scope for improvement in the Trauma Care System in Maharashtra and India.
MOA members have a wide level of expertise in trauma care.
They are working in a wide range of geographical They are working at places which have access to a wide range of facilities from Austere environments in a small peripheral Hospital to an environment where everything is available – like a teaching Hospital or a large corporate hospital
We have members who are working in Government Set ups Like Sub district Hospitals, District Hospitals, Teaching Hospitals, Armed forces Hospitals, and Private Hospitals (small individually owned set ups to large multispecialty Hospitals).Most of our members deal day in and day out with trauma patients and most of the trauma patients in Maharashtra at some point of time are treated by one or more of our members. And hence collectively MOA members know the ground level truths as far as trauma care in the Maharashtra state is concerned
We at MOA strongly feel that we should develop an efficient Trauma Care System in Maharashtra State – which incorporates most of the current infrastructure (Government and Private) in it and which is easily accessible to all the public irrespective of their capacity to pay – at least for the initial treatment part is concerned. An efficient Trauma Care System is also essential for Disaster Management and Disaster Preparedness. We offer ourselves to develop guidelines regarding the various aspects of trauma care that suit our present condition.
The other point we want to take on this occasion is to take conscious efforts at local level to improve Doctor-Police-Judiciary relationship. It is experienced and observed by members that in any unwanted event in any hospital, police follow anti doctor policy. We shall be making doctors aware about the exact law, make aware doctors about their rights and also will take steps to make police and judiciary aware about the same law. Details we have conveyed to all the members.
I am sure you all will take active part in this activity and will do your best for the success of the mission.
With best wishes..
Dr Nitin Deshpande
President: Maharashtra Orthopaedic Association
How to Cite this article: Deshpande N. MOA Day 2019. Journal of Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery Oct-Dec 2018;13(4):2-3. |